P-Shot® Clinic
If you’re struggling with Erectile Dysfunction, the P-Shot® could be the solution you need to achieve stronger, firmer, and longer-lasting erections, all without the need for a pill.
Free Initial Consultation

What is the P-Shot®?
The P-Shot® is an injection to naturally treat the symptoms associated with Erectile Dysfunction (ED). It’s common for men as they age to experience difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, decreased sensitivity and sensation, and a decline in overall sexual performance. This is often due to aging tissue and restricted blood vessels, which reduces blood flow to the penis and therefore, causes unwanted symptoms.
By using Platelet-Rish Plasma (PRP) from your own blood, P-Shot® injections can be an effective option to treat Erectile Dysfunction, increase pleasure and sensitivity, and achieve stronger erections, all with minimal downtime.
Benefits of P-Shot® Treatment
The P-shot, utilizing growth factors from one’s own body, could be a solution for enhancing male sexual function, which can lead to a more fulfilling sexual life. The specific benefits of treatment could include:
- Penile enhancement
- Enhanced penile sensitivity
- Stronger erections
- Longer lasting erections
- Increased pleasure
- Improved sexual stamina
- Elimination of pain during intercourse
- Reduce and improve sexual dysfunction and overall sexual health
- Increased blood flow to the penis

How It Works
PRP has been used for decades to help increase the rate of recovery from muscle and tendon injuries and tissue repair. Today, the natural regenerative properties of PRP are used to help men with Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and Peyronie’s disease.
What To Expect
During Your Consultation
Your licensed provider at our clinic is highly experienced in evaluating and treating men with the symptoms associated with Erectile Dysfunction. Your first appointment is a free consultation that will involve reviewing your symptoms and medical history to determine if you are a candidate for the P-Shot®. We might also conduct a quick blood test at our in-office lab to test your total testosterone levels. We get these results back in 15 minutes.
If you are found to be a candidate for treatment, a second appointment will be scheduled for the P-Shot® injection to take place.
During Your P-Shot® Appointment
The first step in your P-Shot® appointment is for your provider to take a small amount of blood from your arm and place it in a centrifuge, which spins your blood at high speeds to separate out the platelets and plasma. Once the centrifuge has completed spinning your blood sample (which takes around 15 minutes), a layer of PRP remains and is then extracted into a syringe.
A numbing cream is then applied to your penis, ensuring you are comfortable and pain-free. The PRP is then injected into multiple locations of the penis.
This appointment is an outpatient procedure and typically lasts 30 minutes.
After the P-Shot®
While there is minimal downtime following your P-Shot® treatment, it is often recommended you use a Vacuum Erection Device (VED) or “penis pump” to increase the outcomes of your injections by increasing the amount of blood flow to the penis.
The VED will be used twice per day for a few minutes and continued for 2 weeks.
Frequently Asked Questions
When Will I See Results?
What are the Potential Side Effects From the P-Shot®?
While the exact side effects can vary from person to person, they tend to be minimal (since PRP is taken from your own blood). Side effects, while rare, can include bruising, swelling at the injection site, and bleeding.